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Detailed explain about rough filtration titanium filter core

Date:2017-01-11 16:00:42 Hits:1817

  Compared with another filter device and equipment, professional grease filter factory said the core part for these rough filtration titanium filter device is the choose of the filter core part, as general, difference to common filter core, professional grease filter factory said these titanium filter core is makes up by the filter bracket and stainless steel wire screen, and because the stainless steel wire screen belongs to the easily broken part, users should take measure to protect it been damaged.


  When the filter device had continue works for a certain time, in the internal space of the filter device filter core part would collect lots of impurities, which would causes the filter device suffer a smaller working pressure within the fast decline speed, so professional grease filter factory said timely clean way all of the filter core impurities is very necessary, which can help to save more energy but also protect the filter core at the same time.